Prenatal Chiropractic

Reach out to Dr. Gregory Yurkovich of Chapel Hill Family Chiropractic if you’re seeking the services of a prenatal chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC.

What Are the Benefits of Consulting a Prenatal Chiropractor?

Chiropractic care can alleviate chronic pain, restore flexibility, and address various musculoskeletal injuries without the need for medication or lengthy downtime. Comprehensive would be an apt description of chiropractic care, but the degree to which it can be helpful remains underappreciated. For example, many remain unaware of the benefits that prenatal chiropractic care can provide.

Chief among the benefits of pregnancy chiropractic care is pain relief. Many expecting mothers experience abdominal, back, and hip pain.  The pain is likely related to the postural and hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy, including the increased weight in their bellies and the loosening of their ligaments. You can alleviate the discomfort commonly associated with pregnancy by seeking treatment from a prenatal chiropractor.

Most pregnant women also experience bouts of nausea. Rushing to the bathroom because you’re constantly feeling nauseous is no fun. Avoiding that fate may be possible if you receive pregnancy chiropractic care.

The benefits of prenatal chiropractic care also affect delivery.

Some babies may end up in the breech position just before delivery, and that can lead to delivery issues. With your baby in breech position, you may have to opt for a C-section. Generally speaking, women want to avoid C-sections because they can be quite complicated. Even if you don’t have to go through with a Cesarean delivery, you may still have to spend a long time in labor.

Chiropractic treatments can save you from those potential complications. Your pregnancy chiropractor can realign your spine and pelvis to give your baby enough room to assume the proper position before your due date.

Work with the top prenatal chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC, after contacting Dr. Yurkovich of Chapel Hill Family Chiropractic.

What Treatments Will Your Prenatal Chiropractor Use?

Pregnancy chiropractic care is perfectly safe from qualified providers. They will ensure that you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic treatment without putting you at risk for injury.

Spinal adjustments are among the techniques your pregnancy chiropractor may use. These adjustments help alleviate chronic pain and nausea while also realigning your spine and pelvis to prevent joints and soft tissues from being overburdened. Dr. Yurkovich is certified in the Webster Technique, which was designed specifically for pregnant women. He can also advise patients on exercises that are safe during pregnancy, so they’ll be at less risk of their muscles tightening from underuse.

Get the services of the top prenatal chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC, by calling 919-929-4244 and speaking to Dr. Yurkovich of Chapel Hill Family Chiropractic.

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